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Teaching The Bible - As It Is,
To Men - As They Are...



August 2, 2009 was "Duggar Day" at South Heights Baptist Church!

Here are some photo's of their visit (we'll add more as we can) -

Duggars Arrive

The Duggars arrive from Arkansas.

Pastor White entertains the Duggar children before the service

Pastor White plays his tuba for the Duggar children for a couple of minutes before the morning service begins.

Duggar Children play their violins for the congregation

Duggar children play their violins for the congregation.

Jim Bob eating lunch

Jim Bob enjoying his meal at the Church-wide Fellowship Dinner following the morning service.

Michelle and Shirley, our Pastor's dear wife Long-time friends and sisters in Christ, Michelle Duggar and our Pastor's wonderful wife, Shirley, pose for a picture at the baby shower for their daughter-in-law, Rebekah White (Michelle gave the devotional).


Below is the audio recording of our Sunday Morning Service with the Duggar's from August 2, 2009. It includes an introduction by our Pastor, the Duggar children playing and singing for the South Heights Baptist congregation, and Jim Bob and Michelle giving their testimony. We hope it will be a blessing to you!

Duggar Family @ SHBC 08/02/09
D-1 D-1


1. To listen to the study in streaming audio, you will need either RealPlayer or WinAmp. We recommend RealPlayer. If you do not have RealPlayer, you can download and install it by clicking on the following link:

Download RealPlayer Here
Download RealPlayer

     2. Click on "Listen" or "Download", accordingly. Your audio file should play or begin to download automatically (Note: on some computers, you may have to tell your computer what you want it to do with the file before it will play or download).


     If this recording helps and blesses you, would you please send a note of encouragement to our Pastor and let him know? He would appreciate knowing that they have! You can contact him through e-mail, by letter, or by telephone - just go to our CONTACT PAGE and send him a note today. Thank you!



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